Friday, September 28, 2012

AHHHH! Puppy Syndrome Over Semi-Retirement

Mom told me that I expect more of myself than anyone could achieve. She's right, but I also have to challenge myself to suck every last bit of experience and LIFE out of my life. I want to meet my maker happily, without a modicum of regret. So far, so good.

For example. I have lived overseas, travelled to ten different countries, accomplished a headstand ALL ON MY OWN in yoga, and saved a respectable amount of money for someone of my age - with no debt. I have a college degree and graduated from both college and high school with honors.

I want more. So much more out of my life. So many places to see, things to experience, books to read.

But for the next three months, while already racing past, my proverbial tail is wagging in anticipation of the entertaining things I am going to do during my semi-retirement. I totally have puppy syndrome about being "let out" of Macau into the "backyard" - Louisiana.

Big plans are in the works for my semi-retirement in 2013. For starters: I want to build a greenhouse in my parents' backyard. To grow things in this greenhouse, maybe even experiment with hydroponic gardening. Grow heirloom tomotoes that taste amazing - not like the GMO crap that we're expected to settle for these days. Learn to make cheese myself, make a pizza with my cheese and my tomatoes, perfect a dessert recipe (besides my carrot cake and chocolate chip cookie recipes). Read so many books. SO MANY BOOKS. To get this much closer to a handstand and a forearm stand. I want to scuba dive in Mexico, hell, to eat a real Mexican taco. In Mexico. To travel Europe. Maybe this year is the year I finally travel the Mediterranean. Why not? Semi-retirement and a pocket full of cash. I want to see it now, while I am able to enjoy every last second.

Maybe this is the year I travel without maps. {Erin, you should appreciate that one.} While we were in Shanghai, I spent two days obsessively searching for a map of Shanghai in English. They didn't have one. Anywhere. Needless to say my Type-A personality kicked into overdrive and I stressed about it.

JAZZ FEST. Strawberry Fest. French Quarter Fest. Maybe even Mardi Gras; it has been years since I went to Mardi Gras. I can't wait for king cake! And Ponchatoula strawberries. My dad's seafood gumbo and crawfish etouffee. Maybe he'll teach me to make them. I've tried. I failed.

I am a hippie at heart and I cannot wait to go to the Covington Farmer's Markets with Mom and Christina on Saturday mornings. Maybe Bitsy can come sometimes too. Playing in the garden with Mom, flying to OKC to help Dad renovate his new condo. I am going to be so busy I'll need a retirement from my retirement. Did I mention, also, that I want to go back to school?

Semi-Retirement is going to be so awesome I feel like my tail might fall off!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Macau, Here's My Notice:

So the real reason I've been quiet in September...

I am leaving THODW.

This is not a decision I have made lightly and it hurts my heart to make, but it has been done.

My last day at work is December 17th and I will be home just before Christmas.

Macau has come to be my home. I have lived here longer than I have anywhere else since leaving school some time ago. My friends are here, my life experiences are here, I have a chameleon, a hamster, a wonderful roommate, and, naturally, too much crap. I've had some of the best times of my life, made some of the best friends of my life, met some not so great people, had some really crappy times.

But for all the good and all the bad, Macau has been everything I needed to come to terms with myself as a person and to better understand that I don't need to plan everything out in life. Sometimes you make a two year commitment to work in a place halfway around the world, not wanting to leave home and everything you know, and you find that somewhere along the way your heart split into two places and you find yourself torn between "Home is where the heart is" and "Home is home".

Macau will always be such an important part of my life and I would not trade anything I have experienced here for all the gold in Asia (quite a lot, I bet).

Now for my Macau friends: Ya'll are amazing and without any of you, I would not have made it two and a half years out here, 7,000 miles away from home. When I got here, it felt like 20,000 miles because of the cultural difference. I have learned that maybe the most important thing about making a place home is the people. I cannot thank all of ya'll enough for everything. EVERYTHING. Letting me cry about being homesick, taking me home from the pub if I needed it, buying me a shot if I needed it, pulling me onto your lap and giving me a bear hug, all the hugs, all the bad jokes, the late night dancing, the karaoke, the dinners, the pool days, the amazing trips. I will literally remember them the rest of my life. And you.

I hope that this is not goodbye for all of you here because I suck at goodbyes. I will see ya'll all again. In New Orleans, in Australia, in London, maybe even in China, because I certainly don't know where I'm going to end up and that's ok. But when we do meet again, let's grab a beer (or several...), maybe some nachos, and tell old stories and laugh and remember how much we went through to create the biggest show in the world. It has its flaws, holy moly does it ever, but I'm pretty damn proud of what we did.

I am going to miss the hell out of all ya'll. Come visit me, I promise we have better beer in Louisiana! :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

SUPER quick update!

THODW turned two this weekend. I have a very difficult time wrapping my brain around the fact that I have been here for over two years already. And that the show it seemed like would never open, would never come together, would never look good OR make any sense not only has costumes, a through-line, and some pretty fantastic cohesion, but it has been an amazing two year-run. I hope it runs for another eight, just like it is supposed to!

Things were quite busy with parties this weekend and everyone has been in a really light, happy mood for the past week, which is always nice for a change to be around. We have been integrating 20 new cast members and dancers into the show to prepare for when our creation cast members take their leave. The new kids seem to be doing very well and their energy is refreshing to have around.

Change seems to be in the air, as the weather has turned mild and there seems to be a cool breeze coming in from the North. It brings with it grey skies and the hint of winter on the way. We have a two week dark coming up in November; my days are spent preparing for that and other major events.

We still dive every week and it is really nice to have that to look forward to at the end of my week. I love SCUBA and am so thankful for the opportunity to have learned it!

Have I mentioned recently how much I love life and my friends and family and the experiences I have had already in my not so old years???