Thursday, December 12, 2013

28 and Counting

Can we all pause for a minute and reflect on our choices in life?


Here's the thing: we all make choices and subsequently live with those choices. Does anyone else live with them? Sometimes. I'm not talking drinking and driving or texting and driving or stealing or anything like that. I'm talking personal choices. Like what we want to be when we grow up or dating or having children.

Whose business is any of these things but our own?

I am at a place in my life where my friends are married: whether getting married or having been married. Kids are in the picture: at least three of my friends had children this year or announced they are expecting. These people have steady jobs, homes, lives.

That is GREAT for them. They are happy, I'm over the moon for them.

But if ONE MORE PERSON in my life asks me when I'm going to get married, or how my mom feels about not having grand children yet, I might just scream at them. Honestly.


If I have ever given anyone the implication that I am living my life for anyone other than myself, I apologize. That was the wrong message.

Your life stops when you have a kid; you can never live for anyone but that kid ever again and I am not ready to make that sacrifice. Hell, I probably would never be ready for that. I can't even get a puppy because that means no more travelling.

I have no desire to be married at this point in my life. I am distrusting of marrige because the popular opinion today seems to be that marriage is disposable. I, on the other hand, do not view divorce as an option in my life. But even then, I cannot account for the other person. What if one day he wakes up and simply doesn't want to be married any more?

If I had met someone I thought I could spend the rest of my life with, I would probably be married now. Obviously that hasn't happened.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me necessarily, especially when I am so involved in a church environment - that's what people do. Mate and procreate. All I want is for you to maybe stop and think for a second.


And stop expecting people to do things your way because it may not be the right way for whomever you are submitting to your ideology.

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