The weather has warmed up quite nicely here in South Louisiana and let me just tell you something: I love it! I am making preparations (after getting a go ahead from the parentals of course) to put in a teeny tiny vegetable garden on the side of our driveway. It's a project we all know I've wanted to do for a long time and I am finally going to do it.
This being the modern age and all, I turn to the internet for help getting started. I'm not sure what to grow and where to grow it. I know I need compost (which we have) and I need seeds. That's about it. I have a selection of herbs growing in pots, but I know they'll take over if I plant them in the bed. The remnants of my last gardening adventure are turning up all over the bed in forms of verbena and bee balm run wild. They are feet from where I planted them 3 years ago. Seriously.
Thinking "Oh, plenty of ideas can be found on Pinterest", I take myself to their gardening section to peruse some ideas while I eat breakfast and drink my coffee. What a terrible idea.
All it did was make me feel inadequate and naive for ever thinking I could undertake this sort of project. People are talking about raised beds they whipped up from scratch with things "lying around the house", beautiful mosaic stepping stones, and more types of hanging planter apparati than I could have ever imagined! Their "small garden plots" are HUGE and neat and beautifully designed. And here I was thinking I could get ideas.
The birdbaths made out of sinks are sparkling white with clean water and shiny mirrors hanging over them not a weed in sight. Nothing has taken over the garden and it all looks completely unnatural.
So obviously, after getting progressively more depressed, I've decided I will not be attempting any of these feats and go about things in my own way. I'm going to plant what I want to plant and do it my way. Some things will take off and some will undoubtedly die a slow, miserable death, BUT. I will learn as I go. It's something that people don't really do any more. In our culture, you're a failure if you don't have all the answers right off the bat. Well, screw that. I don't and I'm going to have more fun learning that way.
Wish me luck! I'm going to buy a book from the bookstore on gardening. Because I need way less options than the internet provides.
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