Wednesday, July 27, 2011

SCUBA Classes Have Commenced.

Yes, you read that correctly ladies and gentlemen. Your's truly, one year after she arrived here, has started the PADI course to make me a SCUBA diver. I am not able to get open water certified in our pool, but as our entire Aquatics staff is comprised of dive instructors, it is one of the perks for us as technicians. I, for one, am stoked.

We had our swim test Tuesday. I finished first out of my six classmates (the rest are boys) and even though it wasn't a race, with my highly competitive nature, it was for me. So I was pleased. We also had to tread water/float for ten minutes. I thought that would be super hard, but it was easy peasy. That was all followed by getting fitted with wetsuits (no pink... Sad.) and three hours of class instruction. Finally, I'm learning again. I was even excited about having homework. I know: nerd. Tomorrow we get in the water and have our first lesson with all the gear. SUPER PSYCHED.

On another note, we're getting two new roommates this weekend. Effectively doubling the population of the house. Cleaning out the kitchen cupboards and extra rooms was a daunting task, but we took care of it like champs on Tuesday. Sean and I discovered that somewhere along the way between the 5 persons that have lived in this apartment, we accumulated 4 whisks, 3 potato mashers, 2 can openers, 3 wine keys, 4 vegetable peelers, and a wicked new food processor that took us 10 minutes to figure out how all the pieces work. No lie. But we are excited about it and felt super smart. We are also not allowed to buy spaghetti, oil, spices, sauces, mustard, or basil from now until eternity.

Today I got the real estate agent to do his job and fix the broken things in the apartment. Finally. It only took forever. AND. We get to keep the apartment for a minimal increase in rent for another year starting in October. Whew. No moving for this crew, because that would have been a major bummer. Especially since we have no clue when we're moving on from Macoma. I can also get the deposit back after nine months if we give them one month notice that we're moving out. See boys and girls, it does pay to be a good tenant.

I miss home though. Kinda wish this apartment and this job was in New Orleans. Sigh...

1 comment:

  1. Love that you came in first for your swim test! That's my girl!
