Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Post Chinese New Year Letdown

I've realized what my problem is. I mass email and blog at the same time and I seem to be alternating between the two. Hmm, must find a way to reconcile and meet in the middle somewhere.


Chinese New Year was interesting.

Fireworks were indeed all that it was promised to be, although prices are jacked up for dumb Westerners because they know we'll pay it and pay it gladly because we like blowing stuff up THAT much. We paid too much without a second thought. But we enjoyed the heck out of those fireworks. There was only one incident that I have been made aware of involving a smile pile of gunpowder released from its oppressive firework casing, a cigarette, and a lighter. He ended up making a trip to the hospital with burns to his hand. You do the math. Memorable, yes. Smart...maybe not... (Shout out to my friend the Bash Brother!)

Other than that, things have been relatively quiet on the Eastern Front. Kate has left us and I miss her somethin' fierce. There is a wedding in October for some friends from here and I plan to be at that wedding. Especially as it is in Atlanta, a mere stone's throw from the Dirrty South that I hold so close to my heart. Alright ya'll, start preppin' for the homecoming festivities... I want a banner and everything, but will of course inform you the minute something definite happens. It is just talk right now.

A field trip has been planned for Guangzhou (read: gwongjo) the first weekend in April. Weekend for us = Wednesday/Thursday. Silly theater schedules. But the point is we're getting away. We'll have breakfast as a group in the morning, taxi to the border gate, take a 2 hour bus ride to Guangzhou, and THEN we'll have fun. Just kidding, I simply wanted to illustrate how close we are to mainland China. There are heaps of things to do including a giant amusement park that some say is the second largest in the world, a zoo, a water show with reportedly no water - I wanna see THAT!, among others. Our friend Andy is travel agent extraordinnaire, he's even taken care of my Chinese visa for me. I need to travel with him more!

Now I need to venture out to Macau and see if I can't find a package that should be here by now. The post office has been slacking in sending package notices and they send them back to the States after a month. Hard to pick up a package if you don't know it is here. On the bright side, I also ordered a new dress. Can't wait for that to come in!!! Yay. Ok. Everyone have a GREAT day. It's my day off, so point for me!


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