Thursday, July 1, 2010

First Day of Work is a lot like the First Day of School

You want all the kids to like you and want to be your friend. You have to pack a snack for break in case you get hungry. You obsess over what to wear and change your outfit at least twice before settling on something, even though you know you can do're just not quite sure what "better" is. You fix your hair again and again until it's perfect. See the parallels? C'mon admit it. I know it's not just me...

Anywho. Today's my first day of work. I have to be there at 6pm. I got the night shift. I knew coming into this whole situation that would most likely be the case. It will still take some getting used to. Maybe it will work out better with this whole "jetlag" thing. I do not sleep very well at night and wake up early after going to bed at unreasonable hours for a twenty-something like between the hours of 730 and 930pm. Yeah, that's right. And I admit it, too! I'm supposed to be napping right now, in fact, but here I am, writing a post. Oh well. Maybe I'll sleep more than six hours whenever I get back to the hotel next.

Interesting phenomena (confession: I had to confirm the spelling on that word): I find myself dumbing down my speech here. I mean that not as an insult to anyone, but it's the truth. If I were in Spain or Mexico attempting to communicate, I am sure the locals would think the same thing about talking to me. But when you are in a foreign country with NO clue how to even begin speaking the language, you have to rely on the graciousness of people speaking your language. Thankfully most everyone here, so far, speaks at least some baby English, or can pick up key words. That being said, it is easier to communicate with these people in the most elementary of terms. I can only hope that my efforts to work on my vocabulary can be extolled here and in emails. Don't be surprised to see bigger and better words from me, as I fully believe in constantly attempting to better onesself. I hope that doesn't sound TOO narcissitic. If it does, forgive me? It came out wrong. As I like to say "It sounded better up here (gestures to head) than it did out here (gestures in front of person)." But I can leave it in, because it's my blog. HI-YA! {To borrow a phrase from the infamous Cadi Thomas (SHOUT OUT!)}

So think positive thoughts for me, my friends. I already took the barrette out of my hair and I'm not rocking the side pony. {Much to my chagrin the consensus was that the side pony was detrimental to my "professional appearance." Thanks to all who participated in the poll- Alex, Melissa, Ashley - SHOUT OUT. However, I maintain that they should take me seriously regardless of how I look (hello, "don't judge a book by its cover"???) and I am-under protest-not wearing the side pony.} I want people to take me seriously. For the first day at least. I made the stupid quotes board at ATL within 6 hours of starting my job. That was a ... proud moment. We'll save the side pony for the second week of work.

Post Label: 430pm. There. I know what time it is. WHATUP!!! But I continue to refuse to change the clock on my comp. (It won't let me include punctuation in the label. So I beat the system. Holla.)

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